Our mission is to build the first platform for the export baby skincare brands in China. Website map Quick inquiry Phone: +8618665656010 Contact us
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ZANYU COSMETIC . Your Contract And Private Label Skin Care Manufacturer ESPECIALLY FOCUS ON pregnant woman, babies& children skin care field.

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Original Equipment Manufacture OEM

Suitable for customers who have registered brands, and completed planning and product design.
Zanyu will provide customers with product formulations and production services.


Original Design Manufacturer ODM

Suitable for: registered brand, but not completing planned and designed customers.
Zanyu can help customers plan, design, develop and manufacture products.


Original Brand Manufacture OBM

Suitable for: agent and distributor
Zanyu can provide our brand (for adult only)



New & Expecting Mothers Care


Babies & Children Care



Focus on customer standards

We provide world class service to up-and-coming businesses, large established brands, private label retailers, dealer, maternity hotels, other skin care professionals. We understand the constant changes in the skin care industry and are committed to your product quality, and your company success.

Impeccable standards

Take advantage of our computer-driven Quality Control and production system designed to eliminate the human error variable during the manufacturing process.
All products are mixed, filled, capped, labeled, coded and wrapped under scrupulous quality control procedures and standards, and product testing is conducted at multiple stages of formulation and manufacture to ensure consistency and quality.

Cost-effective raw materials

Guangzhou Zanyu Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Raw material department Group CO., Ltd. This parent company, specializing in R & Production and sales of surfactants and oleochemicals, provides third-party testing and certification service for food safety, environment, and occupational hygiene. The company has been developing the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Now it has become the leading enterprise in the field of surfactant and oleochemicals. This background makes our raw materials more cost-effective.

First class facilities

Our ISO 22716 Certified, cGMP compliant, and FDA Registered factory utilizes the latest in technological equipment to manufacture products as quickly as possible, under the highest quality standards. We have a state-of-the-art, in-house laboratory, and highly experienced chemists for advanced formulation and manufacturing.